Staff and Leadership
Please find below an introduction to our church leaders and members of staff.
Roy Bourner
If it was not for Jesus, I would be dead or in prison. My life was radically transformed from crime to Christ by God’s amazing grace and empowering love. I attended a small charismatic church in a Kent village. When I was baptised in water, the pastor had a prophecy that God wanted to use me to preach and he gave me the words from 1 Timothy 4:13-16. Those verses became my life ministry verses. During my early years as a Christian my pastor encouraged me to teach the children, preach on Sundays and preach the Gospel at mission events.
In 1995 I sensed God’s call to go to Bible College and went to Birmingham Bible Institute. At college I lived by faith and God provided all my financial needs in wonderful ways. At college my eyes were opened to the history of the church, worldwide mission and a longing for true revival. At college I met my wife Jitka from the Czech Republic.
After college we joined WEC International to work amongst unreached Muslim people groups in West Africa. However, when we went to Guinea Bissau with our two young children, I became ill and returned to England. At that time, I was discouraged and disappointed. I began to seek God and sensed the Lord speaking to me through Gal 4: 13 ‘As you know it was because of an illness that I first preached the gospel unto you.’ I wondered if God was redirecting me through circumstances to preach in England. A short while afterwards a door opened for me to become a pastor at Lancaster Free Methodist church.
I was pastor at Lancaster Free Methodist for 7 years and then became a missionary in schools as a RE teacher for 13 years. Last year, I sensed God’s calling to return to pastoral ministry and He opened a door for me to become pastor at MEC in January 2024. I desire to be led more by Jesus, lead more like Jesus and lead more to Jesus. I enjoy cycling, kayaking, football and Arsenal FC. I love walking across the Malvern hills and l have a special fondness for Labradors.
John |
Colin |
John and Pauline and their two daughters have been at MEC since 2006 when they moved to Malvern. John serves as an Elder and a trustee, and they both work with the children’s and youth ministry teams at MEC, running groups on Sundays and during the week. Pauline also runs a small group for women at MEC. When not working or planning youth group activities, John can often be found in local coffee shops “catching up with people”. Pauline enjoys walking on the Malvern Hills, especially when she can convince the rest of the family to join her.
Colin and Audrey joined MEC in 2019 and Colin has been an Elder since July 2022. They love the sense of family they have found in the fellowship and have a passion to reach out to the local community. Audrey heads up the Teams4 U Christmas Shoebox Appeal Charity, and Colin is serves as a befriender with Christians Against Poverty. Colin supports Aston Villa F.C and loves steam trains and playing bowls (indoors and outdoors), while Audrey Loves cats, gardening and crochet.
Dave |
Dave has been an elder at MEC since July 2022. In the past he has served as an elder in Baptist and URC Churches for more than 25 years and for most of that time was responsible for leading worship in those churches as well as some preaching. His secular employment was concerned primarily with training and education in the insurance sector. He and Maggie live not far from MEC and have been married for more than 50 years. They have two sons and four grandchildren. Dave and Maggie have in the past written and directed a Christian musical and Maggie is working in the Rainbow Club at MEC.
Greg |
Matt |
Greg and Sarah serve in various capacities at MEC. Greg heads up the treasury team, serves as a deacon, and helps with the Sunday School. Sarah helps to run the Rainbow Club (parents and toddlers group). We are very blessed to have them on the team! |
Matt has served as a deacon for the past 10 years, taking on many roles. Matt can usually be found around the church fixing something! |
Colin |
Colin is our newest member of the Deaconate but has already got stuck in taking on a number of roles and also regularly leading the Sunday services. |
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