Parents and Toddlers

Welcome to Rainbow Club at MEC, our Parent and Toddlers Group for children from birth to pre-school age with their parent/family-carer.
We meet on Tuesday mornings during term time at 10.15am in the church hall for an hour and a quarter to get together for story time and play. In good weather we also use the enclosed garden area outdoors.
For everyone’s safety and enjoyment we have limited numbers at our sessions and entry is by booking only. If you have any questions or would like to book a place please contact Sarah at and we’ll come back to you directly.
If places are fully booked we’d like to include you on a reserve list so you can come if someone cancels their place.... and if for any reason you’ve booked a place but are unable to come please let us know so another family on the reserve list can come. Thank you!
We very much look forward to hearing from you and meeting you soon!